Cathy Perry Bio

Cathy Perry bio picture

Music Director

Growing up in both West Virginia and Florida, Cathy Perry’s childhood home was filled with gospel music. Her grandfather was an Assemblies of God minister and her mother a church organist. So from a young age, she loved music and singing and knew who Jesus is. At the age of 17, Cathy became radically saved and felt the call of God to use the gifts and talents the Lord gave her for Him.

For more than 20 years, Cathy Perry has been involved in music evangelism and local church ministry, performing nationally as a gospel recording artist, as well as holding the worship leader position at her local church in Nassau County Florida.  Cathy joined the staff of FCCC in 2009 as the Music Director.

Cathy is a graduate of the University of North Florida, in Jacksonville. She, along with her husband Trey and daughter, are friendly, outgoing, loving people whose deepest desire is to serve the Lord and others. Through the gift of music, her passion is to share the love of Christ and lead others into the very presence of the Lord.


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